History of the world's largest companies

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Re: History of the world's largest companies


Post by Henderion The Mayor »


This is a video social platform for all world,has been created on 2006 June 1 and having 17.23 billion views annually and also is a media platform for broadcasting yourself to world and also is 1st Video Social Platform on World
Logomakr_1CHpEV.png (30.5 KiB) Viewed 7583 times
Transmission: SD,HD,UHD,3D,4K,8K(Beta), Internet


Founders:King Henderion Sendrico Habber Freetradezonia, James Ionie and Terry Kuler

Founded: 1st June 2006

Excuting Director/CEO:King Henderion Sendrico Habber Freetradezonia

Type:Social Media(Video)

Productions:User's Shows

Address of Headquaters:1,Sharevid Ave,Pevosi Financial CIty,Pevosi

Owners:Share.vid Inc.(FTZGTSE:SHVDWEB)

Motto: Broadcast Yourself to the World

World Most Viewed Video Social Media Platform
In 2006-2017, we are getting No.1 on consecutive 11 years for most viewed video social platform.Total in 11 years view is 185.33 billion and with more than 20,000,000 account has been registered.
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Re: History of the world's largest companies


Post by TheOracle »


It started as a small mail courier around Svostine which is about 1969 and it was founded by two best friends, Xera Marie and Kristia Villamor. During the war, VPS™ has been supplying both the Imperial Crotonese Army and the Socialist Rebels for a price. After the war, VPS™ started investing in transporting goods within Svostine and her colonies. They opened their first international route, which is in Freetradezonia, 2001. VPS™ grows without government intervention but was given 7% tax exemption. VPS™ is fully independent from any government.


Services: Cargo Transportation, mail courier, transport, construction, military goods transportation, etc.

Country: Svostine

Founders: Xera Marie and Kristia Villamor

Founded: June 06, 1969

Executing director/CEO: Xera Marie Assis

Operations: Worldwide

Type: Cargo Transport, Construction, and defense company

Address of Headquarters: Street Nuclear, Project Avenue, Kristia Capitol District, Svostine

Motto: Wherever you are, we can deliver, in front of your doorstep without any hassle with convenience.

Orbiting Space Resort has been built
In 2008, VPS™ opened its first space resort to the world, and is one of the first space resorts in the world. It cost VPS™ about 17 trillion dollars though the Kristian government covered the 10 trillion dollars. It was a success amd till now, the space resort is one of their greatest accomplishment.

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Leopolis Corp.


Post by -LeoLeo- »


Leopolis Corp. was created by Leonardo Rinkusu father, Henning Rinkusu, with the help of his bestfriend. Since 1980, the company have made electronics appliances of various kinds, from toasters to air-conditioning to computers.

Leopolis Corp. it's said to be the first company in the world to create a "AGI Artificial General Intelligence " in the year 1999 and the first consumer flying cars in 2014...

After the turn of the millennium, Leopolis Corp. have been expanding from consumer products to construction and heavy machinery, every bolts, screws, wires in the cranes, airplane, helicopter, cars, are manufactured by Leopolis. Then distributed to different brands. Weather you know it or not

logo1.jpg (12.12 KiB) Viewed 7541 times

Coutry: Attobaxia

Founders: Henning Rinkusu + Yano Chotvivatchai

Founded: 1980

Executing director: Leonardo Rinkusu

Type: Electronic, Aeronautic, Mining, Manufacturing, Construction

Served Areas: All over TheoEarth, Interplanetary.

Productions: ALL consumer electronic, ALL heavy machinery, Electric Billboards, Holograms projector, flying cars (most popular), Communicator, Androids, Drones, Spaceships, etc.

Building headquarters: Tepha-Atta-Aphimahanakhon, Attobaxia.

Owners: Leonardo Rinkusu, Yano Chotvivatchai.

Executive President: Yano Chotvivatchai

Motto: Leopolis Corp, at your service.

Scifi-ing the world

The advancement in technologies of Leopolis have outrun all of the other company on Earth
Sure, some might be better at a thing, but this company have the most varied types of products on the planet. All seem alienish, with extreme efficiency. Some reports says that this company is "clearly ahead of the time, advancing the knowledge of humanity like never before..."

Some conspiracies even go as far as stating the the company have contacted or acquired the knowledge from actual ALIENS! HAHAha.... Noooo~~ Where did they get that idea? Hahahaa.....................
Last edited by -LeoLeo- on 09 May 2018, 13:17, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: History of the world's largest companies


Post by AvenJZR »


TelAir was established in 1975 by the then-Minister of Transport,Elkan Yoh Sen Cheah.With a starting fleet of 2 T300s between Telang and Sedile,it has grown massively ever since.

In 2005,it received a 3-Star certification from the aviation industry.Recently in 2014,it received 4-Star certification.Last month,it received the prestigious 5-Star certificatiom.It is the only airline in Telang and it is owned by the government.
The current logo of TelAir.The bird,believed to be a Bird of Paradise,is present on every of TelAir's aircrafts.
The current logo of TelAir.The bird,believed to be a Bird of Paradise,is present on every of TelAir's aircrafts.

Founder(s):Elkan Yoh Sen Cheah


Chief Executive Officer:Halim Junaidi


Areas served:TheoEarth

Headquarters:World Trade Centre,Telang

Owner:Government of Telang

Motto:Connecting Telang to the world

Friendliest cabin crew
The TelAir crew has always been rewarded with "Friendliest cabin crew". TelAir crew always carry out their work cheerfully and honestly.When an airline reviewer was asked what they found best about TelAir,it would always be the cabin crew and the cleanliness of the cabin.

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Re: History of the world's largest companies


Post by RyanVJ »


Crimsom Group of Companies was founded by Francis C. Walberg in June 19, 1955. The company started as a small time manufacturer of plastics. The company then helped the former independent New Warminster in its civil war in 1959, by that time, Crimsom was one of leading manufacturers in the state. Producing not just plastics but small electrical components, radio and television sets. Crimsom helped the State by manufacturing weapons and when the state won its civil war, Crimsom found itself as one of leading weapons manufacturer in the state.

In the 70's and 80's, Crimsom Corp. delve into researching technologies in the field of green energy and produced the first affordable solar panels and the firsr electric car though only a prototype, it opened the market for such technologies. At the same time, Crimsom helped the 3 states in their space program called the Maharlika project which projectes Crimsom into one of the leading tech companies. Nowadays Crimsom still is one of the biggest Corporations in the world headed by the founder's eldest son and now opens itself to more sectors such as real estate and space exploration.


Country: Arizelon

Founder(s): Francis C. Walberg

Founded: 1955

Chief Executive Officer: Mark Walberg

Type: Tech Research, manufacturing, automobile, aeronautics and space, weapons manufacturing

Areas served: TheoEarth and beyond

Headquarters: Crimsm Towers, San Francisco

Owner: Mark Walberg and Crimsom Holdings

Motto: Going beyond the stars

Building beyond the stars
In agreement with the Arizelon Government, Crimsom will build 3 colonies in Mars and 2 Military Installations in the said planet which will cost 450 billion AR ( 3.1 trillion USD) After its successful building of conies and military installations in the moon, it also has also partnered with other companies under the supervision of the Arizelon Space and Aeronautics Authority, to design and conduct studies regarding a fleet of space cruisers for space exploration and defense. Though it will take some time.

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Re: History of the world's largest companies


Post by Henderion The Mayor »

OK!Phone Inc. is first company who have produce smartphone in world,and who has created smartphone and also all related smart electronic services,and this company was founded 2005 March 23.
OK!PHONE Inc. Logo.png

Founders:King Henderion Sendrico Habber Freetradezonia, Harry Woon, Eric Parker

Founded:23rd March 2005

Directors/CEO:King Henderion Sendrico Habber Freetradezonia

Type:Mobile Phones,Consumer Electronics

Address of Headquartes:OK! Phone Inc. ,Wlison Woon Rd,Pevosi Financial City,Pevosi

Subsidiaries: Kelvio Electronics Inc.
I-Sung Mobile Inc.

Motto:Make our smarter in future with technology

World Most Sales have been recorded
Based on 2005-2017,we have sell out more than 3.2 billion devices and electronics and make us a billion profit in every year.

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Re: History of the world's largest companies


Post by Henderion The Mayor »

This is 1 of 10 from Freetradezonia Telecommunications,which is 1st on Freetradezonia in Mobile Line Telecommunication,which is having 15.5% in Freetradezonia Market and it was founded by 2 brother Weng Guo Hua and also Weng Guo Xia on 11st June 1993 on his house which largest mobile operator in Freetradezonia.

Founder(s):Weng Guo Hua & Weng Guo Xia

Founded:11st June 1993

Chief Executive Officer:Weng Guo Hua

Type:Mobile Telecommunications

Area Served:Freetradezonia,Rhinestone

Headquartes:HuaXia Tower,Exit 3A,Interlink Highway,Pevosi,Freetradezonia

Owner:Weng Guo Hua and Weng Guo Xia

Motto:Further and Faster

World 5.1G Network Operator
We have concluded 5.1G Networking System with highest speed recorded: 5.49Gb/s in recorded

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Re: History of the world's largest companies


Post by TheOracle »

This is Svostine's only defense company ever since the former-Crotonese defense company, Mikoyan-Tedrik was forced to sell their company to KVR™, for financial reasons. This company was founded in October 1998, just 3 months after Svostine independence by former Corporal Steven Universe III and Dr. Connie Maheswaran, their best friends till now. They were also involved in the Daphne Incident. This company currently is the second largest company in the country and is one of the biggest defense company in the world as well. KVR™ makes other stuff as well but mostly are sold to other companies.


Country: Svostine

Founder(s): Steven Universe and Connie Maheswaran

Founded: 23rd October 1998

Chief Executive Officer(s): Steven Universe and Connie Maheswaran

Type: Defense Company, Manufacturing

Area served: Worldwide

Headquarters: Union Headquarters, Kristia Capitol District

Owner: Steven Universe and Connie Maheswaran

Motto: You ask, we build, you pay, you rise

KVR-Guiabero-Rose R.3 successful
This 10th generation multirole space fighter was successful on its maiden flight on May 12, just three days ago. This new piece of technology is finally capable of destroying a space battleship, after 9 years of trial and error. This technology will be beneficial to the security of our planet one day. This technology is top secret.

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Re: History of the world's largest companies


Post by malsa »

TheOracle wrote:
15 May 2018, 13:32
Motto: You ask, we build, you pay, you rise
Off-topic: What happen if we declared a war with Svostine "You ask,We build, You play, You rise, You attack us"

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Re: History of the world's largest companies


Post by THEMAX »


Atlanteans militaries industires is an entreprise that produce all atlantean military equipment, from knife to mass destructions weapons. They got several branches of organisation :
atlanteans militaries industries ( manufacturing everything except radar, GPS and computer )
Atlantean militaries telecoms ( radar and GPS manufacturing )
Atlantean militaries informatics ( computer and logicials enginery )
Atlantean militaries research center ( research )

Country : STQAE, Atlantean Empire, Atlantean Federated empire, UAGF

Founders : André Konsyantin, Iris ekho

Founded : 32617 ( local atlantean time )

Director : Robert Konsyantin

Type : Military, computer and telecom industries

Served Areas : Atlantean empire & allies ( weapons ) , everything else ( telecom )

Productions : Confidential

Building headquarters : AMI headquarters, Bendevr Forteress, Astrellia

Owners : Emperor A.Ekho , Atlantean empire

Executive President : Dimitri.Gopnik

Motto : your security, Atlantean prosperity, our priority

Own 32 TV canal, including 19 about its industry, own the best telecom system in the empire

In 2017 ( locla earth time ) , the tv cannal TV5 Monde ranked AMI as the most succesfull entreprise of all time , standing longer than all atlanteans entreprise, they also rated it as the enterprise that armed the most country... wich frequently finished in wars between eachother for AMI material... its weapon are rated as the best of the world and were first to produce and test anti-matter bombs

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Re: History of the world's largest companies


Post by JoshuaGaming999 »

So AMI's executive president is a Gopnik?

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Re: History of the world's largest companies


Post by THEMAX »

JoshuaGaming999 wrote:
19 May 2018, 03:05
So AMI's executive president is a Gopnik?
No, it is his name, he his from New Moscow and is from russians / atlanteans family

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Re: History of the world's largest companies


Post by Kamikazi »

This is the main plane manufacture in the world and 66% of all the commercial planes are made by UltraPlanes.
UltraPlanes was formed in 1976 after the CEOs of Uing and Pairbus singed an agreement to work together to compete against Mcegdoulas Doulas.
Now a days, Ultraplanes manufactures commercial planes and military planes.
logo-preview-9305f4de-ab91-4c07-bc2b-ff834431b9f1.jpg (28.3 KiB) Viewed 7149 times
Country: Kaloland
Founders: Willian Stageson and Lucas Vengala
Founded: 19th January 1976
CEOs: Alberri Masco, Rousco Salado and Michael Yound
Type: Plane Manufacture.
Area served: Worldwide
Headquarters: Melto, The Skyscrapers Square
Main factory: Melto, near Melto Int'l Airport ( aslo called the Ultra Factory)
Motto: Make it, it always fly.
Last edited by Kamikazi on 04 Jan 2019, 14:04, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: History of the world's largest companies


Post by Ace_TFC »


Alta Development Corporation was founded by Eduardo De Guzman on December 16, 1968. The company was one of the first development corporations in Rhinestone since the recent transition of government. Due to ADC being one of the first development corporations in Rhinestone, billions were invested in the company which helped spur the development. ADC projects accounted for nearly half of Rhinestone's expenses back in the 70s.

Ever since the 80s, ADC became innovative in its goal to be one of the largest companies in the world. It founded several subsidiaries such as TFC Telecom, City Malls, AC Airlines and much more.

In the present day, ADC is the largest company that operates in Rhinestone with millions invested in projects overseas. ADC owns big brands such as Resorts World, Diamondwood and the Rhinestone Music Labels, making it one of the most diverse companies in the world. ADC is also led by Rhinestone's current president, President De Guzman.
Country: Rhinestone

Founder: Eduardo De Guzman

Founded: 1968

Chief Executive Officer: Damien Scott De Guzman

Type: Construction company, development corporation, telecommunications company, mining, military and weapons manufacturer, airline, mall developer, resort developer, gadget manufacturer, agricultural research, oil company, transport manufacturer, bank

Areas Served: TheoEarth and Beyond

Main Headquarters: ADC Tower Agoncillio

Satellite Headquarters:
ADC Tower Entertainment City
ADC Tower Naga
ADC Tower Davao
ADC Tower Calapan
ADC Tower Puerto Princessa
ADC Tower Dasmarinas
ADC Tower Cebu
ADC Tower Zamboanga
ADC Tower Fortich

Owner: Damien De Guzman and ADC

Motto: Innovation and Diversification

Innovation and Diversification

ADC has been the forefront of innovation and diversification in Rhinestone. The company has many subsidiaries which helped boost the innovation of the company as a whole. Some of the many ADC subsidiaries include but are not limited to:

TFC Telecom
City Malls
Specific Motors
Resorts World
AC Airlines
Rhinestone Music Labels
And much more.

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Re: History of the world's largest companies


Post by Canguta666 »


It started around as a tiny regional airline, it is very long time ago, in 1914, Founders Eron Molakin Ğregorijin, Deksinam Bolitan started this airline because they failed to start the another airline, Cangutænab Air Blimp Lines, this airline company that is a blimp, failed to earn money, and went bankrupt, Cangutænab Airways is now a success.
This the Cangutænab Airways, the original name of Cangutæro.
In 1929, Cangutæro went bankrupt due to the Great Depression.
In 1933 Cangutæro growed again because of Eron Molakin Ğregorijin, and Deksinam Bolitan.
Cangutænab Airways became the Best Airline in 1958, when boeing 707 released into the Public.

In 1973, Cangutæro went bankrupt again, but this time, it's much worse than the Great Depression.

Cangutæro growed again by the Furballlandian Government.
1979, is the First year that they had rapid expansion of their transportation.

In 2008, the worst Global Recession happened, Cangutæro is now in a brink of losing operations, but the Furballlandian Government Managed to Help them before it is too late.

Today it is still the Best Airline out there.
...3rd Best Airline in TheoWorld out there.
2019- Present Logo.
2019- Present Logo.
Country: Furballland
Founders: Eron Molakin Ğregorijin, Deksinam Bolitan
Founded: July 26, 1914 as Cangutænab Airways
CEOs: Zejuak Ĝelaugghsjtdcha, Bethany Alğskhfefa
Type: Airline
Area served: TheoWorld
Headquarters: Cangutæro HQ Tower
Owner: Eron Co.
Main Hubs:
Cangutænab Internationalé Airport
Kelomakinaš International Airport
Işmakinaš International Airport
Zedakd International Airport
Kokunaku Internationalé Airport
Lembikan Airport
Motto: National Airline of Furballland

Best Inflight Entertainment
Due to People love those IFE, Cangutæro was Rewarded as the Best Inflight Entertainment since 2001, because of it's great selection of the IFE.
It has been done by having to add IFE Movies/ Shows, and More, every single day.

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Re: History of the world's largest companies


Post by RayXP »

Canguta666 wrote:
02 Oct 2020, 06:29
Today it is still the Best Airline out there.
...3rd Best Airline in TheoWorld out there.
Sedair, Air Arizelon, Warminister Airlines, Fly Universal, Southwest Airlines, Sethlandian Airlines, and DeutscheFliege beg to differ...

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Re: History of the world's largest companies


Post by Muhammed uppa »

Ok boys

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