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Good ideas for new disasters some are EXTREME!

Posted: 25 Sep 2018, 00:49
by Mr.spock
1. Tsunami- It happens when a meteor hits a body of water or when an earthquake happens underwater.
2. Solar flare- Causes planes ton not be able to take off because the radios have been messed up.
3. Gamma ray burst- Extreamly rare Incinerates all your buildings. It’s rare because they happen when stars explode they reach Earth but they aren’t strong enough to incinerate the whole Earth. This only happens when a nearby star explodes.
4.Volcano- Sometimes happens when a earthquake happens.
5.Hurricane- Forms if you have a large body of water in your city. Spawns tornado sometimes. Causes flooding and storm surges.
6. Blizzard- Covers streets with snow slows down traffic. Also causes planes to not be able to take off.
7. The Plague/Epidemic :? - Lowers your income planes don’t take off to stop disease from spreading. More hospitals prevent that.
8. Wildfire- caused by heat wave. Trees start on fire and can spread to other trees and then buildings.
9. Heat wave- Causes lower income do to people not going to work because it’s so hot.

Structures to add:
Storm walls- Stops tsunami but the wall gets damaged and needs to get repaired. Also stops storm surges caused by hurricane.
Tornado sirens- alerts residents of your town that a tornado is in your area.

Vehicles to add:
Fire fighting plane- It puts out fires out in large areas.

Re: Good ideas for new disasters some are EXTREME!

Posted: 25 Sep 2018, 00:50
by Mr.spock
I hope these are good ideas just tell me what you think.

Re: Good ideas for new disasters some are EXTREME!

Posted: 25 Sep 2018, 01:00
by Mr.spock
I also thought that there could be animations for the things getting sucked up in the tornados.

Re: Good ideas for new disasters some are EXTREME!

Posted: 25 Sep 2018, 01:02
by Mr.spock
You may have to research some of these though.

Re: Good ideas for new disasters some are EXTREME!

Posted: 25 Sep 2018, 12:16
Things I agree with :

Wildfire ( would be really interesting )
Fire fighting plane ( way better than fire truck )
Tornadoes siren ( mg already made some but it would be cool to see thoses in game )
Some kind of disaster management system , spawn a group of vehicles that will remove rubbles instead of the player , will maybe send casualties to hospital ?

What I absolutely don’t want :

Gamma ray burst , if it happened , the whole planet would be incinerated, nobody will be alive to rebuild anything . Lets be honest , its A HUGE no .

Re: Good ideas for new disasters some are EXTREME!

Posted: 25 Sep 2018, 14:10
by Mr.spock
It’s funny how I probably have one of the lowest ranks and you have one of the highest. How do you get higher ranks?

Re: Good ideas for new disasters some are EXTREME!

Posted: 25 Sep 2018, 17:18
With experience in the forum , if you are there for long you will have a higher rank .

Re: Good ideas for new disasters some are EXTREME!

Posted: 25 Sep 2018, 22:51
by Mr.spock
How does a suggestion get endorsed?

Re: Good ideas for new disasters some are EXTREME!

Posted: 26 Sep 2018, 02:36
by CommanderABab
Suggestion 3 seems very extreme!

Re: Good ideas for new disasters some are EXTREME!

Posted: 26 Sep 2018, 03:05
by cesareborgia94
Yeah the disasters are quite "extreme" :lol:
but lets be realistic, the dev probably has no time to implement all of the suggestions here.

Some of the disasters suggested are viable, such as hurricanes and plague/epidemic. And most of the disasters have been suggested numerous times, like tsunami. But in the end, only the dev will decide.

Gamma ray bursts seems too "extreme", it would probably crash the game seems irl it would wipe out the whole planet :lol:

Re: Good ideas for new disasters some are EXTREME!

Posted: 26 Sep 2018, 07:02
Gamma ray burst would however be perfect to punish hackers ;D

Re: Good ideas for new disasters some are EXTREME!

Posted: 26 Sep 2018, 14:13
by Mr.spock
It would be nice if the devolver makes it so a tornado could match the EF scale and not just move in a straight line.

Re: Good ideas for new disasters some are EXTREME!

Posted: 26 Sep 2018, 14:14
by Mr.spock
Instead of a straight line path it could change directions. It would make the disaster more interesting.

Re: Good ideas for new disasters some are EXTREME!

Posted: 26 Sep 2018, 14:15
by Mr.spock
How do you create a plugin and how do you find the thing to make them?

Re: Good ideas for new disasters some are EXTREME!

Posted: 26 Sep 2018, 15:46
by JustAnyone
With new feature which Lobby is working on you might be able to create disaster plugins! (If you know actual coding).

Re: Good ideas for new disasters some are EXTREME!

Posted: 26 Sep 2018, 22:59
by Mr.spock
Okay that’s good. But I really don’t actual coding. :cry: :bq :cry: well, it does depend on which coding language. JavaScript, Python, etc?

Re: Good ideas for new disasters some are EXTREME!

Posted: 26 Sep 2018, 23:00
by Mr.spock
If you can could you teach me some basics that will only apply to what I would like to do.

Re: Good ideas for new disasters some are EXTREME!

Posted: 26 Sep 2018, 23:02
by Mr.spock
Im taking a coding class but all they are teaching is the dumb blockly coding language. It’s easy but I at least want to learn JavaScript.

Re: Good ideas for new disasters some are EXTREME!

Posted: 27 Sep 2018, 02:02
by KINGTUT10101
JustAnyone wrote:
26 Sep 2018, 15:46
With new feature which Lobby is working on you might be able to create disaster plugins! (If you know actual coding).
So no json stuff?
Like, actual coding?

Re: Good ideas for new disasters some are EXTREME!

Posted: 27 Sep 2018, 02:41
by NukeTheKitty
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