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Proposals for multi-storey viaducts

Posted: 03 Aug 2023, 19:02
In the current game, if you want to complete a multi-layered elevated road, you can only do it like in the picture. But there is a problem, that is, it is impossible to turn with multi-layer roads, it can only be like picture 2, which is very troublesome.
I hope to be able to update a feature that allows the construction of multi-layer roads, you can directly click on the road construction (like placing road decorations) Bridge piers can also be automatically generated on both sides of the road (similar to Figure 3)

Re: Proposals for multi-storey viaducts

Posted: 04 Aug 2023, 21:09
by JustAnyone
What you're doing is not technically intended. We did some thinking about native support for road stacking and came to the conclusion that it’s unfeasible as of now.

1. The roads would need some sort of piles when stacked onto another road
2. Placement of these piles would have to be updated when underlying road(s) get changed.
3. It’s unclear whether to allow certain configurations that would look strange but not allowing them would lead to road removal causing invalid state yielding road removal of surpassing roads (not exactly nice).

We might get back to this in the future, however it will not be our focus right now.