What building / plugin would you use as an Embassy ?

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What building / plugin would you use as an Embassy ?


Post by Wincass71 »

Fun question -- Maybe -- ;

What building would you like to use as an embassy in another country ?

( The game has no embassy category . So you could use any existing building in the game , or any plugin , of pretty much any type or size. --- Assuming the other player would go along with the idea , of course. )

I'll start --- I would use the player - made plugin , " Institute of Modern Arts " by Imjustnoel .

The building is 5 by 5 tiles , so pretty big , but hopefully not egregiously big. It's a distinctive - looking building , but hopefully not too distinctive . Presumably diplomats would want to make a good impression , but not appear to be too annoyingly showing off.

If a smaller embassy was absolutely called for , I'm still thinking about that . MAYBE Beavis's Upside - down House ( though I don't know if that is actually a small - sized plugin ) , or Maybe , " El Salvador Police Department " by TTFercho. That is only 3 by 3 tiles.

( Granted , that last plugin is obviously a police station . But we are talking make - believe , and make - believe always requires some degree of suspension of disbelief anyway. :) Police station or not , I like the building itself. ;) )

Whatever building was used , I would want to add an East German flag , the flag of the host country if such plugin exists , a small park area , and some satellite dish / radio antenna decorations. The Satellite dishes and radio antennas , because it is an open secret that many countries use their embassies as convenient spy headquarters , and don't just spy on their rivals and enemies , but routinely spy on their friends and allies too. Even if they aren't actually spying , governments typically don't care to share their internal communications even with their friends and allies.

You could do the tactful thing and just assume that the embassy staff really likes their satellite TV. :lol:

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Re: What building / plugin would you use as an Embassy ?


Post by Wincass71 »

The following building is not an embassy in a foreign country ,

it is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in my capitol ;


It is the Lubyanka building in the showcase. That building has some pretty dark and macabre associations , but I always loved the building itself. And maybe not the best plugin in the world , but like I said , I love the building.

All the flags are the product of Beavis's waving flags plugin , and are supposed to represent the countries that first recognized my German Democratic Republic ; Liechtenstein , Vatican City , Malta , Cuba , Croatia , Congo , Togo , Uganda , North Korea , Palestinian Authority , Syria , and Switzerland .

But then we ran out of room . :( So not included are ; Guyana , Iran , Guatemala , El Salvador , Uruguay , Uzbekistan , Belarus , Fiji , Nepal , and Mongolia.

I haven't actually got off my duff and done any role play , but I couldn't resist throwing in the Sladily flag ( It's really pretty ) and the Furballand Flag ( 'cause Furballand is just too cool. ) ANYWAY. Hope they don't mind.


If you were a diplomat , or the representative of a company doing international business , you would probably sooner or later see and visit this building in our capitol ;


It's Beavis's Meridian Gate in Hue. We use the building and grounds for formal receptions of foreign leaders , talks with foreign diplomatic delegations , foreign trade shows , and things like that.

In the foreground , on the left , is the national headquarters of the Socialist Unity Party , ( The 1984 plugin ) the outfit that really runs the German Democratic Republic , and on the right in the foreground the plugin , " 33 Thomas Street " which goes by the same name here , because I liked the name too . In that building is contained and collected the secure communications nerve center of the German Democratic Republic , and many government and business offices shoe - horned in too. Just down the street is a Metro subway station , and just beyond that is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs I just described . And where security is concerned , just beyond that is the base for the militarized arm of the Ministry of State Security.

In the next district over , Rayon Stadt , but less than 20 minutes away , is our international airport. ( It is still being built though. Budgetary constraints . :( Hey , we are a small country ! :) )

So it is an excellent location for an international conference center. :lol:

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Re: What building / plugin would you use as an Embassy ?


Post by RayXP »

Like I said in an earlier post, it doesn’t really matter since almost nobody actually uses the game for rp. But you do you

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